👋🏾 Hi, my name is

Briana Matthews

Front-end Developer based in the U.S

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Featured Projects

Briana's Honey Bee App

My First Coding Project!

This is was my very first project with SheCodes. It is about one of my favorite organisms, bees! 🐝 This page was coded using HTML, CSS, and beginner JavaScript.

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Weather App

This weather app was created using HTML, CSS, and more advanced JS. It utilizes the Open Weather Map API for current weather data from around the globe.

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Briana's Weather App
Dictionary App

Upcoming Baking Blog

One of my passions is baking. I love to bake new and fun things that I have never heard of before. Most of my baking inspiration comes from the shows I watch like, the Great British Baking Show, Zumbo's Just Desserts, and Nadiya Bakes. My blog will feature photos of my bakes, along with the recipes that I use.

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🥳 This website was coded by Briana Matthews and it is open-sourced